Jemand ne kleine kriminalgeschichte englisch schreiben
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Kann mir jemand ne kleine Kriminalgeschichte auf Englisch schreiben?
The commissioner looked at his two suspects, both had a motivation to kill Mr. Arnold, and no one had an alibi. Both mentioned the other one did it and that they were alone at home.
Mr. Arnold was killed with a butcher knife in his Home, some hours ago.
The commissioner came into the room with the two suspects and asked Mr. Johnson: „ So Mr. Did you know Mr. Arnold?“ „Yes I did he was my boss“, he answered. The other Man was Mr. Reck, a former employee, who was fired because he stole work items. Mr. Reck said: „ I didn't kill him, yes, I was mad, but I would never kill anyone. The guy over there hated him, he wanted Mr. Arnold's Job!“ The commissioner was thinking. Then he asked many more questions but didn't find out who was the Murderer. He went out of the Room, grabbed a coffee and sat down at his desk. He also had a look at the list of Knives found in the butchery, and none of them was missing. NONE, not even the one who Mr. Arnold was killed with. But the Murders weapon had the Company Logo on it. Then the commissioner jumped up and knew who the Murderer was.
ich bin grad a rätseln. aber schonmal TOP geschichte. du hast dir das redlich verdient!
ne *rot werd*
ich könnte nur raten. wär aber doof. ich bin noch dabei
KÖNNTE es sein, dass der mitarbeiter, derwas gestohlen hatte, mit dem messer zustach, das er einmal stahl?
für diesen kleinen spaß
echt ne super story. haste schonmalm drüber nmachgedacht, autor zu werden?
Ich habe ein browsergame geschrieben da schreibe ich die feldtexte
das habe ich gesehen. es ist in deinem profil unter HOMEPGAE eingetragen. respekt, aus dir wird mal was ganz großes
Weil mir gerade langweilig ist mache ich das, dauert aber etwas