Lückentext englisch helfen

It is sometimes said that if King George III of England had done more to help his. American colonies, the United States might not.today. -The revolutionaries certainly began.great ideals when they declared their independence.1776. -Not everything. gone smoothly for the United States since then. -Although the. in the South were given their freedom, the country was split for. generations. -In the 20th century the United States has taken part in two world wars and in dozens. other conflicts all over the world. -. of its huge economic strength it has been able. influence the world economy. -Today America. represents the idea of pure capitalism. The state is much less important. in most other countries. If you are poor, sick or unemployed,. is very difficult. -Minorities. the Afro-AMericans or Hispanics still find it hard to get good,. jobs. -America´s cities have. with drugs, alcoholism and crime. -What kind of future. the United States have in the 21st century?

9 Antworten zur Frage

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Lückentext Englisch: Wer kann mir helfen?

Ich glaube, dass dies die Antworten auf einige Lücken sind. Zu den anderen weiß ich auch nichts. mal sehen, was die anderen schreiben.
It is sometimes said that if King George III of England had done more to help his FORMER American colonies, the United States might not EXIST today.
-The revolutionaries certainly began WITH great ideals when they declared their independence IN 1776.
-Not everything HAD gone smoothly for the United States since then.well
-Although the SLAVES in the South were given their freedom, the country was split for MANY generations.
-In the 20th century the United States has taken part in two world wars and in dozens OF other conflicts all over the world.
-BECAUSE of its huge economic strength it has been able TO influence the world economy.
-Today America. represents the idea of pure capitalism. The state is much less important THAN in most other countries. If you are poor, sick or unemployed, LIFE is very difficult.
-Minorities LIKE the Afro-AMericans or Hispanics still find it hard to get good, WELL-PAID jobs.
-America´s cities have PROBLEMS with drugs, alcoholism and crime.
-What kind of future DO the United States have in the 21st century?
Bei würde ich nichts reinschreiben, sofern du keinen Buchstaben weggelassen hast, denn so passt es eigentlich ganz gut.
Ansonsten sind deine Angaben sehr spärlich, es ist ein Gerate, was für Wörter verwendet werden sollen.
, MM
Hast Du keine Wörter zur Auswahl.?
Mögliche Lösungen :
11 ist sicher falsch
30 stimmt eher als meine vorschläge
habe leider keine wörter zur auswahl
könnte bei 11) auch had stimmen?
chrissi_1802: eher nein, denn es dauert ja immer noch an; had gone würde bedeuten, dass es schon vorher so war
hallo! bin mir nicht bei allem sicher (ein bisschen mehr angabe wäre nett. anyways:
1. loyal oder patriotic, 2. exist, 8. with, 9. in, 11. has, 17. slaves, 18. many, 19. of, 22. because, 23. to, 25. , 26. than, 27. life, 28. like, 29. well-paid, 30. vielleicht: to cope; to struggle; 32. will
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ups jaja die Schule ist lange her
naja wie mit seid und seit, hab ich mir auch nie merken können, aber für den Tip.
poor? 2 exist
8 with
9 in
11 has
17 slaves
18 some oder a couple of
19 of
22 Because
23 to
25 policy
26 then
27 it
28 like
29 paid
30 many Problems oder nur problems
32 will
Das wären mal meine Überlegungen dazu.
achtung! zu 26; thEn ist nicht dasselbe wie thAn! then ist zeitlich, than wird für vergleiche gebraucht

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