Vllt jemand lückentext helfen komme am ende nie

after breakfast/ and/ At about one o'clock/ because/ before they went to bed/ but / later in the afternoon/ 90 minutes later/ One morning in July/ On their third day/ so/ when/ where Last year, there was a competition in UK schools. It was organized by the German Tourist Office and the first orize was four days in Germany. the 15 winners left London and just. they ariived at Cologne Bonn Airpot. They took a train into Cologne. left their bags at their hotel. the teenagers had lunch in town and. they visited the cathedral and a sports museum. Supper was at a restaurant.you could try traditionel food, and. they went for a short walk through the old town. The next day. they all went shopping. 10111213) there wasn't enough time to go the city's other museums. In the evening they had tickets for a rock festival. It wasn't over until 1 am,. they all went to bed really late. Everyone was very tired. they arrived back to London the next day,. they all had a fantastic time in Germany.

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Kann mir vllt. jemand beim Lückentext helfen? beim Lückentext, komme am Ende nie hin.

One morning in July
90 minutes later
At about 1 o'clock
later in the afternoon
before they went to bed
after breakfast
On their third day
ich kann verstehen wenn man probleme damit hat, lückentexte sind echt scheiße, vor allem wenn mehrere sachen in die lücke passen xD eigentlich sollte man vorher mal wenigstens über das thema sprechen, damit man weiß was überhaupt passiert is