Wie bildet man present perfect
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Wie bildet man das present perfect?
Present Perfect ist die vollendete Gegenwart
Also: Sie drückt aus, dass eine Handlung vor kurzem stattfand und noch Einfluss auf die Gegenwart hat.
I/you/we/they: I have spoken ; I have not spoken
he/she/it: He has spoken ; He has not spoken
Wie bildet man die present perfect tense?
have answered him.
You have.
He/she has.
We have.
They have.
Das Present Perfect wird gebildet mit:
have → oder has und das Verb im Past
Positive Sentence:
I/You/We/They have played football.
He/She/ has played football.
Negative Sentence:
I/You/We/They have not played football.
He/She/ has not played football.
Have I/you/we/they played football?
Has he/she/ played football?
The world has been revolutioned.
.weil ich nicht weiss, von wem