Brauche lückentext über sport englisch

Grm. Ich habe meine Schularbeit gleich nach Erhalt abgegeben. Wir hatten ein sehr gutes Reading-Beispiel. Schau mal, versuche mal das, das ist eine English-In-Use-Übung. Habe ich aber gerade selbst zusammengestellt, sie entspricht wohl nicht den genormten Standards, ich hoffe sie ist nicht zu schwer. Die Antworten schicke ich dir per PN, dann schaust du nicht direkt nach Form the right words from the given word stem: Sports play an important role in American I.___. They enjoy tremendous popularity but more important they are vehicles for transmitting II.__ such values as justice, fair play, and teamwork. Sports have contributed to racial and social III.___ and over history have been a "social glue" bonding the country together. Early Americans like Benjamin Franklin and President Thomas Jefferson stressed the need for exercise and IV.___ promoting for example running and swimming. In the 20th century, American presidents Theodore Roosevelt, Dwight D. Eisenhower and John F. Kennedy continued to encourage physical activity. The United States offers V.__ opportunities to engage in sports - either as a participant or as a spectator. Team sports were a part of life in VI.___ North America. Native American peoples played a variety of ball games including some that may be VII.___ as earlier forms of lacrosse. The typical American sports of baseball, basketball ad football, however, arose from games that were brought to America by the first VIII.___ that arrived from Europe in the 17th century. These games were re-fashioned and elaborated in the course of the 19th century and are now the IX.__ popular sports in the United States. Various social rituals have X.__ up around athletic contests. The local high school football or basketball game represents the biggest event of the week for residents in many communities across the United States. Fans of major university and XI.___ football teams often gather in parking lots outside stadiums to eat a "tailgate" picnic lunch before kickoff, and for parties in front of television sets in each other's homes during the professional championship game, the Super Bowl. Thousands of baseball fans flee the snow and ice of the North for a week or two each winter by making a XII.___ to training camps in the South and Southwest to watch up close their favorite players prepare for the spring XIII.___ of the professional baseball season. Individual XIV.___ accompanied the growth of team sports. Shooting and fishing contests were part of the colonial experince, as were XV.__, boxing, and horse racing. Golf and tennis emerged in the 1800s. Recent decades have given birth to a wide variety of challenging acitivities and contests such as sail XVI.___, mountain biking, and sport climbing, collectively referred to as "extreme sports".

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