Beschreibung deines zimmers englisch mindestens 160 wörtern

lieber gast, sei uns nicht böse, aber das ist gar keine frage sondern eher eine "arbeitsaufforderung" - und mit drei ausrufungszeichen eine sogar noch ziemlich unverschämte dazu! dies ist aber eine wissensplattform und kein hausaufgabenforum, falls du also mal *echte fragen* hast und nicht nur jemanden suchst der dir deine hausaufgaben macht, dann bist du uns natürlich herzlich willkommen

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Beschreibung deines zimmers auf englisch mit mindestens 160 wörtern

allso das ist mal keien frage die hausaufgaben musst du selber machen oder auf abschreiben
nim dein woerter buch in die hand und mach die aufgabe
don't have a room on my own. I don't have a room on my own. I don't have a room on my own. I don't have a room on my own. I don't have a room on my own. I don't have a room on my own. I don't have a room on my own. I don't have a room on my own. I don't have a room on my own. I don't have a room on my own. I don't have a room on my own. I don't have a room on my own. I don't have a room on my own. I don't have a room on my own. I don't have a room on my own. I don't have a room on my own. I don't have a room on my own. I don't have a room on my own. I don't have a room on my own. I don't have a room on my own.
160 Wörter in lupenreinem englisch.
Wenn Dein Zimmer leer ist, wird dies ein anspruchsvoller Aufsatz, ansonsten ist die Frage doch HIER wohl nicht ernst gemeint, oder?
My room. My room is my paradise. I have posters of my favourite stars on my wall and my funiture is all black and gold. I have a bed, a desk, a wardrobe, two chairs, a big bookshelve with lots of different books in it. My CD player is also important. It's not gold, it's silver. One thing I love about my room is the light. I have a desk-lamp, a floor-lamp, my reading-lamp, a normal light and some candles. They make my room cozy. If I wouldn't have so much light in my room, it would be very dark in there, because I only have a small window, and since my furniture is all black there is not much natural light left. The room itself is actually relatively small and has a strange shape. Since it's under the roof, it has one crooked wall and the room has one corner missing, because the hall is on the other side of the wall, and the hall is square, but I love my room just the way it is