Welches bekannte weihnachtslied ist nach japanisch übersetzt

Makka na ohana no tonakai-san wa 真っ赤なお鼻のトナカイさんは Itsumo minna no waraimono いつもみんなの笑いもの Demo sono toshi no kurisumasu no でもその年のクリスマスの日 Santa no ojisan wa iimashita サンタのおじさんは言いました Kurai yomichi wa pika pika no 暗い夜道はぴかぴかの Omae no hana ga yaku ni tatsu no sa おまえの鼻が役に立つのさ Itsumo naiteta tonakai-san wa いつも泣いてたトナカイさんは Koyoi koso wa to yorokobimashita 今宵こそはと喜びました

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Welches sehr bekannte Weihnachtslied ist hier nach japanisch übersetzt?

Rudolph, the red-nosed reindeer
Had a very shiny nose
And if you ever saw it
You would even say it glows
All of the other reindeer
They used to laugh and call him names
They never let poor Rudolph
Join in any reindeer games
Then one foggy Christmas eve
Sanat came to say:
"Rudolph with your nose so bright
Won't you guide my sleigh tonight?"
Then all the reindeer loved him
As they shouted out with glee
Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer
You'll go down in history
Hey Rudolph, guide my sleigh
Hey Rudolph, guide my sleigh
Hey Rudolph, guide my sleigh
Hey Rudolph
Then one foggy Christmas eve
Santa came to say:
"Rudolph with your nose so bright
Won't you guide my sleigh tonight?"
Then how the reindeer loved him
As they shouted out with glee
Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer
You'll go down in history
Hey Rudolph, guide my sleigh
Hey Rudolph, guide my sleigh
Hey Rudolph, guide my sleigh
Hey Rudolph
Hey Rudolph, guide my sleigh
Hey Rudolph, guide my sleigh
Hey Rudolph, guide my sleigh
Hey Rudolph
Hey Rudolph, guide my sleigh
Hey Rudolph, guide my sleigh
Hey Rudolph, guide my sleigh
Hey Rudolph
Rudolph The Red-nosed Reindeer von Babyface | Magistrix.de
jau, hast recht, habs grad bei michener gefunden.
summ - summ -.
Itsu mo minna nowarai mono
Demo sono toshi no christma no santa no ojisan wa iimashita
und nun bitte noch auf yupisch

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