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a10 and 12 years old - I would like to go through very gladly at the exchange, because I see these as a possibility to become more independent of up-improving more over the American culture too experienced and my linguistic knowledge. - I believe the largest challenge the completely new surrounding field and that will get along therein. The English language to live is reliably a mad new experience. - As hosts I must worry fürsorglich about my exchange pupil and carry her forward everywhere, as far as she is interested in it. I should behave exemplary and stand for it for questions and problems friendly to the side. As a guest I must adhere and try to the rules of the host family me well to in-live. In addition I would like to present our school in the best possible way. - With it this group enterprise succeeds, must adhere I to the rules, come to agreed upon meetings and settle my tasks carefully and in the best possible way. - in conflict situations I get teachers, parents or other persons to the assistance or try the conflict and without force to solve. So that only no controversy develops, I behave ready to compromise and friendly. c) I would find it very beautiful if my Gastfamilie me friendly would take up and me with questions and to side could stand for problems. I would have to divide no problem thereby me with my exchange pupil a room. A domestic animal would not disturb me naturally also.
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