Wo steht koran moses meer geteilt was genau
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Wo steht im Koran das Moses das Meer geteilt hat und was steht da genau?
Es steht im Koran und im alten Testament. Das sollte man mal den Palästinensern sagen. Juden und Palästinenser glauben an den selben Gott , ebenso Terroristen und Obama))).Denn das alte Testament ist der "erste Teil" des neuen Testamentes der Christen.
Das ist aber echte Schwachsinn, den da da verzapfst: Juden und Palästinenser.
Moslems muss das heißen und die haben einen eigenen Gott, den es tausende von Jahren schon in ARabien gab: allah, der Mondgott, der sogar Töchter hatte. Und rate mal, was sein Heiligtum war und wo?
In Mekka, der schwarze MeteoritenStein, den haben damals die Polytheisten und Götzenanbeter umrundet und abgeknutsch und allah gehuldigt und seine Töchter auch. Sein heiliges Zeichen war der Halbmond, den man deshalb auch schon lange vor dem Islam überall in Arabien fand.
Die Juden haben mit dem Neuen Testament und dem Alten Testament nix zu tun. Einzige Verbindung zum Christentum ist da derselbe Gott und das Rabbi Jesus von Nazaret aus dem Hause David abstammt - ein Mohammed übrigens nicht.
Doch sie haben was mit dem alten Testament zu tun, wegen der tora
Moses im Islam – Wikipedia
Sure 2:57–60
Die Wüstenwanderung der Israeliten ist im Koran nur am Rande von Interesse; abseits vom in Sure 2:57–60 angesprochenen Wasser- und Manna-Wunder, das vor allem aufgeführt wird, um die Undankbarkeit der Kinder Israels wider die Wohltätigkeit Gottes aufzuzeigen, wird nur das Zusammentreffen von Gott und Moses auf dem Berg Sinai und die Episode mit dem Goldenen Kalb näher geschildert, dafür aber umso ausführlicher.
Im Laufe seines Dialoges mit Gott bittet Moses darum, Gottes Angesicht schauen zu dürfen. Gott fordert seinen Propheten daraufhin auf, den Berg anzusehen: Bliebe er unverrückt an seiner Stelle, würde sein Ansinnen erfüllt; doch Gott lässt den Berg zu Staub verfallen, woraufhin Moses stürzt und ohnmächtig wird. Als er wieder zu sich kommt, lässt er von seinem Wunsch ab. In Sure 4:164 wird jedoch gesondert auf den Umstand hingewiesen, dass Gott mit Moses „wirklich“ und unmittelbar gesprochen habe: وَكَلَّمَ ٱللَّهُ مُوسَىٰ تَكۡلِيمً / wa-kallama llāhu mūsā taklīman / ‚und mit Mose hat Gott wirklich gesprochen‘, wodurch Moses gegenüber den anderen prophetischen Gesandten herausgehoben ist. Auf diese Begebenheit ist auch der Beiname des Propheten zurückzuführen.
Islam Studieren
Desc No: 57
"Paltry gains": worldly gains for the sake of which these people discarded the commandments and precepts of Allah. As a matter of fact, even the whole wealth of the world put together is worthless, if it is gained in exchange for Allah's Guidance.
Desc No: 58
In order to understand this verse, it should be kept in mind that the Arabs were generally illiterate and uneducated people. As against them, education was common among the Jews, who had among them great scholars renowned even beyond Arabia. That is why the Arabs were overawed by the scholarship of the Jews, more so because their scholars and rabbis made a great show of their learning and piety and reinforced it with the practice of charms and amulets. The people of Madinah in particular were overawed by the learning of the Jews, for they were surrounded by big Jewish tribes and came in contact with them day and night. As a result, they were immensely influenced by them just as illiterate people usually are influenced by the neighbours who are more educated, more civilized and more religious in character.
Such were the conditions when the Holy Prophet upon whom be peace) presented himself as a Prophet and began to invite the people to Islam; naturally the illiterate Arabs turned to the Jews for guidance in this matter, and said: "You are the followers of a Prophet and possess a Book, so tell us what you think of this man and his teachings, who claims to be a Prophet." This question was repeatedly asked of the Jews by the people of Makkah, and when the Holy Prophet came to Madinah, here also many people visited the Jewish scholars again and again to ask them the same question. But their scholars never gave them the right answer. For they could not say that the doctrine of Tauhid that Muhammad (upon whom be Allah's peace and blessings) was preaching was wrong, nor that the knowledge which he imparted about the Prophets, scriptures, angels, and the Hereafter was wrong, nor that there was something wrong about the moral principles that he taught. They were neither ready to admit in plain words the righteousness of the teachings of the Holy Prophet; nor had they the courage to refute it openly; nor were they willing to profess the Truth candidly. Instead, they devised a subtle strategy to oppose it: they created one suspicion or the other about the Holy Prophet, his followers and his mission; they would concoct allegations against him and his followers and make false propaganda against them or raise frivolous objections so as to involve them in useless discussions. That is why they have been warned not to conceal the truth by covering it with falsehood, nor suppress it by spreading suspicions and by raising silly objections, nor mix it up with falsehood.
Desc No: 59
The Salat and the Zakat have always formed the essential elements of the revealed religion. Like all other Prophets, the Israelite Prophets also had strictly enjoined these, but by and by the Jews became wholly neglectful of them. They gave up the performance of Salat in congregation and the majority of the people did not even offer it individually. Instead of paying Zakat, they started charging interest on money.
Desc No: 60
That is, "If you face some difficulties in following the righteous way, sabr and Salat will help remove the difficulties and strengthen you to walk the way easily." Lexically, sabr means to check and tie, but in usage it stands for patience, perseverance, endurance and fortitude. The Qur'an uses this word to express that fortitude, that moral strength, that firmness of purpose and decision, that determination, moral discipline and self-control which enable a person to proceed with patience and courage in the face of afflictions, privations and temptations on the way he chooses in accordance with the dictates of his conscience. What the Qur'an means to stress is that the Muslims should develop this moral quality in themselves and should observe the Salat regularly to reinforce it from with
Die Wüstenwanderung der Israeliten ist im Koran nur am Rande von Interesse; Ist nicht richtig mosses und die israelis werden im quran immer wieder erwehnt;Soger die zweite und lengste sure mit uber 100 SEITEN ist an die kinder israels gerischtet