Verbesserung engllsich rede

Hallo! Ich muss morgen in Englisch eine Rede halten. habe diese auch schon geschrieben wäre nur nett wenn die jemand verbessern könnte weil ich mir nicht so sicher bin ob da alles stimmt. Außerdemwäre es auch nett wenn jemandem noch ein bessere bzw. löngerer einstieg einfallen würde oder was man zu meinem noch dazu schreiben könnte aber mir selbst fällt leider nichts ein. Hier meine bis jetzt vorbereitete Rede: We don’t live in the rainforest. So does the death of the rainforest hurt us? Yes it does! The rainforests once covered 14 % of our planet, now they only cover an area of 6 %. In one second one football field of the rainforests are burnt down or cut down. Every year 16 million hectares of the rainforests get destroyed. That corresponds to the half area of Germany. So in 10 years over 50 million acres of the rainforests on our earth are destroyed and in 2030 round about 55% of the rainforests will disappear. Isn’t it horrible? And what are people doing with all the wood and the great areas? A lot of people race their money with valuable woods like mahogany and with the rest of the wood they make furniture or paper. And on the areas that are burnt down they plant plants, which they sell as cheap food for animals. So the rainforest is responsible that we have cheap steaks and chicken nuggets Trees transform carbon dioxide into oxygen. The rainforests are one of the largest oxygen producers on our earth. Without oxygen we will die and more than 20% of the world oxygen is produced in rainforests. As well, the death of the rainforests affects the global warming. But the rainforest is only one example how we destroy our planet. A lot of experts think that in the following 100 years 50% of our animals and plants become extinct. Today, there are over 15 000 animals and plants, which are endangered. The shocking thing is that we only know round about 2 million species and 40 to 60% live in the tropical rainforests. An estimate says that there are about 20 million species. That’s why you die when the rainforests die. The rainforests help you breath. It cleans the air of carbon dioxide. The rainforests keep you cool. It acts as the air-conditioner of our world. Jungle rain supplies fresh water for the world. Many of the medicines and foods we use today first came from the native people of the rainforests. And that are only a few examples why the death of the rainforests hurt you. So please use less paper and write on the front and on the back of it. And be responsible for our nature; it’s not a natural thing that we have such an easy life on our planet. And always remember – You are also a reason why large areas of trees, animals and plants have to die. schonmal für alle antworten

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Verbesserung der Engllsich-Rede

Every second the area of one football-field."
"That corresponds to half the area of Germany."
".about 55% of the rainforests will have disappeared/would have disappeared."
".all the wood and the vast deforested areas?"
"A lot of people ("race" macht hier keinen Sinn, und ich kann nur raten was Du meinst) make/invest/spend their money on."
"valuable/expensive timber like mahogany and from the the less valuable type of wood."
".animals, which in turn means that the rainforests provide us with."
"The rainforests which provide 20% of our oxygen and without which we would die, and are one of its largest producers also protect us from global warming, which the death of the rainforsts would bring about."
Hilft es Dir , wie ich es gemacht habe? Wenn schon, dann sag mir Bescheid und wir können es so weitermachen.
We don't live in the rainforest. In fact, the rainforests are thousands of miles away, so question really should be 'Does the destruction of the rain forests affect us at all?' and the resounding answer is 'And how!' And this is how it does:
".and plants will become extinct."
"and %60 of them live."
They act as an air conditioner for our world."
"And these are just few examples, why the death of the rainforest affect you, me and all of us."
"And please look after Nature, be its guardians not its destroyers because it has been placed in our trust. After all, we have no God-given-right to have such a wonderful existence on our beautiful planet if it means the destruction of our animal and non-animal co-inhabitants of this Earth."
Das sind einige Vorschläge, die mir eingefallen sind.
Gut. Dann mache ich weiter. Wenn Du irgendwelche Fragen hast zu dem. was ich geschrieben habe, dann melde Dich.

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