Under down beneath underneath benutze was
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Under, down, beneath, underneath,. Wann benutze ich denn was?
Under as a preposition can mean
1 - in a place which is directly below: he hid under the table; the coin rolled under the piano.
2 - less than: she is under thirty; he is under age; it was sold for under $100; he ran the mile in under four minutes.
Below as an adverb means lower down: he stood on the hill and looked down into the valley below.
As a preposition, it means lower than: the temperature never goes below 25?; if you look below the surface; you shouldn't have hit him below the belt; his marks were considerably below average.
Underneath as a preposition means under/beneath: she wore a long woollen cardigan underneath her jacket; he was sheltering underneath a chestnut tree.
As an adverb it also means under: he was wearing a thin shirt with nothing underneath.
Beneath as an adverb means underneath/below: he looked out of the plane at the mountains beneath.
As a preposition it means under: have you looked beneath the cooker?
He thinks it is beneath him, he thinks it is too insignificant/too unimportant for him to deal with.
Under, below, underneath, beneath
'down' hat mehr mit Bewegung zu tun zB sit down sich hinsetzen.
Das mit down wusste ich, aber ich wollte noch irgendwas dazuschreiben
ich mach das eigentlich immer nur nach Gefühl.und meistens falsch