Textübersetzung ins Englische für USA-Austauschschüler

Kann mir jemand meinen Text ins Englische übersetzen?

Es ist verständlich, dass du Hilfe bei der Übersetzung deines Textes benötigst um dich auf deinen Austausch in den USA vorzubereiten. Hier ist eine Übersetzung deines Textes ins Englische:

Hey Steve! My name is Julie and I'm 14 years old. I live in Lower Saxony near Lüneburg. I really enjoy reading and occasionally play handball. I've heard that you will be showing me your high school. I'm really excited and looking forward to meeting new people and experiencing a real high school. My only concern is that I'm afraid of mispronouncing something. My English is not the best, but I think I'll be able to manage. I'm curious about what a typical school day looks like. What kind of activities are there? I'm really excited about the new high school. Bye, Julie.

Although I have provided a translation I strongly recommend that you make an effort to learn English before your trip to the USA. If you're unable to write such a simple text in English, you may face difficulties during your stay. I suggest improving your English skills by practicing and seeking out language learning resources. Learning by doing is the best approach to become proficient in translating texts like this one. I recommend using a good dictionary – such as pons.com, for vocabulary, and websites like ego4u.de and englisch-hilfen.de for grammar. Avoid relying on translation tools or asking for complete translations without trying to do it yourself first.

In conclusion, it's important to invest time in learning English before your trip to the USA. While the provided translation can help you for now, it's crucial that you work on improving your language skills for a successful exchange experience.
