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ich muss in englisch ein referat über "vom winde verweht" halten. aber eigentlich wollte ich bei diesem referat den amerikanischen bürgerkrieg im mittelpunkt haben und welche rolle er bei dem film hatte. deswegen brauche ich nur eine kurze zusammenfassung der story. wie würdet ihr den film so kurz wie möglich zusammenfassen?

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Vom winde verweht" eine kurze inhaltsangabe

Vom Winde Verweht" heißt auf Englisch "Gone with the Wind".
Eine sehr gute Quelle für alles Englische ist die "Simple English" Website von Wikipedia. Sie hat Artikel, die in einem sehr einfachen, verständlichen Englisch geschrieben sind, gerade richtig für Schüler.
Dort gibt es auch eine Inhaltsangabe zum Film, die ich dir auch gleich hier rein kopieren werde. Sie ist zwar relativ lang, aber ich weiß nicht wie lang dein Referat sein muss - du kannst bestimmt ein paar Sätze weglassen. Hier der Link: Gone with the Wind - Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Scarlett O'Hara is a beautiful young woman living in Georgia in the year 1861. In this time, who a woman marries is very important to the rest of her life, and Scarlett loves only one man. His name is Ashley Wilkes. Unfortunately, Scarlett finds out that Ashley is going to marry a woman named Melanie Hamilton. During a barbecue with all the families in the area, news arrives that a war between the Northern and Southern parts of the country has begun. Before all the men leave, Scarlett agrees to marry Charles Hamilton (Melanie's younger brother). Unfortunately, Charles gets sick and dies in the war, and Scarlett is left alone.
Scarlett goes to Atlanta, Georgia to be with some of her friends. While there, she sees Rhett Butler , a man who was also at the earlier barbecue. He makes Scarlett very uncomfortable but she agrees to dance with him at a party, a thing which she should not have done since her husband had just died. A few months later, the battle gets very close to Atlanta, and Melanie has a baby with Scarlett's help. Rhett helps them escape the battle and takes them home, but Scarlett finds her house, which she calls Tara, in very bad shape and Ashley Wilkes's burned to the ground. Her father is very sick and her mother has died. Scarlett famously vows to always take care of herself and her family, no matter what it takes.
After an intermission , the movie returns to Tara, where Scarlett and her family are working very hard to survive. The far-away war is over now, and Ashley Wilkes arrives. Melanie and Scarlett are both very glad to see him, but Scarlett should not say so because he is Melanie's husband. Scarlett finds out that Rhett Butler is in jail and she plans to trick him into giving her some money to help her family. However, the scheme does not go according to Scarlett's plan, and in her anger, Scarlett meets a man she knew from before the war. His name is Frank Kennedy, and because he is a very good businessman, Scarlett decides to marry him, despite the fact that he was going to marry her own sister.
Frank, however, is killed when he goes to clear out a shantytown, where beggars lived after the war because they could not afford to live anywhere else. Amazingly, Scarlett is not without husband for long, because Rhett proposes to her and she accepts! Rhett promises to help rebuild Scarlett's home and they build another mansion in Atlanta. Scarlett has a baby that Rhett names Bonnie. After Bonnie is born, Scarlett says she will have no more children, and Rhett takes the news badly. Scarlett still wishes she could marry Ashley Wilkes, and she sees him one day and is caught hugging him. Melanie is very forgiving and refuses to believe anything bad about her friend Scarlett or her husband Ashley. Rhett, however, is very angry and hurt, but he finds out that Scarlett is pregnant with another baby. He accidentally pushes her too hard and she falls down the stairs, killing their unborn child.
Scarlett and Rhett are further devastated when Bonnie, now their only child, has an accident while riding her horse and dies. Melanie is also very sick, pregnant with another baby. News reaches Scarlett and Rhett that Melanie will probably die, and they hurry to see her. While Melanie and Scarlett are alone, Melanie asks Scarlett to look after her husband, Ashley, and to never stop loving Rhett, who loves Scarlett very much. She dies just after, and Ashley is extremely upset. Scarlett finally realizes how much Melanie meant to Ashley, and that Scarlett could never have meant so much to him.
Scarlett hurries home to find Rhett and tell him how much she loves him, but he tells her he wants a divorce because he feels like she never loved him. He is still very hurt by losing Bonnie, his daughter, and he leaves Scarlett feeling like she has nothing left. Then, she realizes she always has her home to return to, and if nothing else, her home will last forever.