Aus welchem film kommt spruch sprich hand

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Aus welchem Film kommt der Spruch "sprich zu meiner Hand"?

Vor T3 gab's den auch in Leathal Weapon 4.
Der Spruch kommt nicht aus einem Film.
"Talk to the hand" (or "tell it to the hand") is an English language slang phrase associated with the 1990s. It originated in African American Vernacular English as a contemptuous and urbanized way of saying that no one is listening, and is often elongated to a phrase such as "Talk to the hand, because the ear's not listening" or "Talk to the hand, cause the face don't understand". "Talk to the hand" is often considered to be a sarcastic, or obnoxious phrase, and is commonly associated with urban black youths, especially black women, as well as teenage valley girls who adopted it. The phrase was popularized by actor and comedian Martin Lawrence in his 1992 sitcom Martin.
Quelle: Talk to the hand - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Wieso Frage lesen? Aus welchem Film kommt der Spruch? Er kommt aus keinem Film. Ok, du hast insofern recht, als dass er in T3 benutzt wurde, ja. Aber da kommt der Spruch nicht her. Punkt.
Sprich zu der Hand", heisst das glaub ich in Terminator