Welchen inhalt buch of mice and men

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Welchen Inhalt hat das Buch "Of Mice and Men

Der bärenstarke, herzensgute, aber dumme und vergeßliche Lennie und sein Freund George, der das Denken und Reden für Lennie erledigt, "tippeln" gemeinsam durch Kalifornien. Lennie faßt alles Schöne gern an, aber bei aller kindlichen Unschuld töten seine groben Berührungen immer wieder die Tiere, die er streicheln will und auf seiner letzten Arbeitsstelle stirbt dann nicht nur ein junger Hund, sondern auch die Frau des Juniorchefs. George sieht nur noch die Möglichkeit, Lennie vor der Lynchjustiz der Arbeiter zu bewahren, indem er ihn -– während er ihm mit den immer wiederkehrenden Worten von der gemeinsamen Farm erzählt –- mit einem Genickschuß erschießt. Mit Lennie tötet George auch ein Teil seiner selbst, denn ihm wird schlagartig klar, daß das Gefühl von Zusammengehörigkeit und der gemeinsame Traum von einer kleinen Farm mit Lennie gestorben ist."
Von Mäusen und Menschen: Roman: Amazon.de: John Steinbeck, Elisabeth Rotten: Bücher
Two migrant workers in California during the Great Depression – George Milton, small in stature, intelligent, and cynical, but caring, and Lennie Small, a physically strong, but mentally limited man – come to a ranch in Soledad, California to "work up a stake". They are fleeing from their previous employment in Weed. There, the childlike Lennie has been run out of town after Lennie, who loves to stroke soft things, tried to stroke a girl's red velvet dress; she thought he was trying to molest her. Once they are out of town and into safety, they hope one day to carry on with fulfilling their shared dream of settling down on their own piece of land. Lennie's part of the dream, which he never tires of hearing George describe, is merely to have soft rabbits on the farm, which he can pet. George tries to keep Lennie out of trouble by telling him that if he gets into trouble he won't let him "tend them rabbits".
At the ranch, the dream appears to become possible. Candy, the aged, one-handed ranch-hand, offers to put in his few hundred dollars with Lennie and George so that they can buy the house and land by the end of the month. Then, the dream crashes down when Lennie accidentally kills the young and attractive wife of Curley, the ranch owner's son, while trying to stroke her hair. A lynch mob led by Curley quickly gathers. George, now realizing he is doomed to a life of loneliness and despair like the rest of the migrant workers, and wanting to spare Lennie a painful death at the hands of the vengeful and violent Curley, shoots Lennie in the back of the head before the mob can find him. The shot comes while Lennie is distracted by one last retelling of the dream.

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