Lösung aufgabe 3 seite 180 heat and dust ruth prawer jhabvala

look at the list of statements, that follows. Find three or four quotes from the novel to back them up. - The novel shows that India is bad for English people who try to live there. - The novel shows that the relationship between the English and India is a very complicated one. - The novel shows that not much has really changed in the relationship between the English and India between 1923 and the 1970's - The novel shows just how much sexual attitudes have changed between 1923 and the 1970's. - The novel is very critical of most English people's attitudes and behaviour. - The author appears to be more sympathetic to the Indian characters than to the English characters. - The novel is a love story. - In the novel we are made to feel that Olivia has behaved very badly. - By the end of the novel we realise that Olivia has made a big mistake in going away with the Nawab. - The end of the novel shows that India has a fascination for some people that they cannot escape from. - Olivia and the narrator share the same view of India. - The writer directs our sympathies more to Olivia than to Douglas. - The narrator's view is the same as that of the writer.

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Lösung zu Aufgabe 3 auf seite 180 in Heat and Dust von Ruth Prawer Jhabvala

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