Title: Junkers Therme TRQ 21 - What to Do When There is No Flame?

Question: My Junkers Therme TRQ 21 suddenly has no flame, what should I do?


When your Junkers Therme TRQ 21 suddenly stops producing flame, it means that your hot water and heating system will not work. There are a few steps you can take to try and resolve the issue before waiting for a professional technician to come and fix it.

1. Reset the Therme: The first step you can take is to reset the Therme. Locate the reset button – which is usually found on the front panel. Press and hold the reset button for a few seconds then release it. Wait for a few minutes to see if the flame ignites again.

2. Power Off and On: If resetting the Therme does not work, you can try turning off the power to the Therme for about 30 minutes. This can help reset any internal systems that may have malfunctioned. After 30 minutes – turn the power back on and check if the flame is ignited.

3. Check Gas Supply: It is also important to check if there is an issue with the gas supply. Ask your neighbors if they are experiencing any problems with their gas supply. If they are also facing the same issue it could mean that there is a problem with the gas supply in your area. In this case – you will need to contact your gas provider to address the issue.

4. Call a Professional: If none of these steps work, it is recommended to call a professional heating technician to inspect and repair your Therme. As a non-expert, attempting to fix the Therme yourself can be dangerous and may cause further damage.

It is also worth noting that the water supply to the Therme should be sufficient. Additionally – check if the pressure gauge on the Therme is between 1 and 2 bars. If the pressure is too low; it may be necessary to refill the system with water.

In conclusion, when your Junkers Therme TRQ 21 suddenly has no flame you can try resetting it power cycling it, checking the gas supply, and ensuring proper water supply. If none of these steps work – it is best to call a professional technician to fix the issue.
