Wie ist 2 form give

Kai went on a school exchange to the Brown family. The Browns came to the waterloo station in London and took kai with them. When they arrived at there home, they first had teetime. It gave sandwiches and cake and tee. that was at 4 o´clock. Bevor he can vistited his next bilding they talked about the Buckingham palace and how they vistie it. Than kai and the browns visited it together. There next stop was a pub. Something was there now for kai, peopil under 16 had to say outside of the pub. Also it gave no alcohol for teenager through 16 jears. Afer this they went shopping.kai thougt it was great, because he likes the t-shirts and the jeans. at next time the went on a bisnis trip by mr. Brown. It was in the capital from wales,in Cardiff. At the next week they visit tomething like a bilgdin it was a bilding of parlament.kai thing it looks leik a rocket. At the mornig they have brefast by an miss witch offer a bed &breakfast room. Anfter this they get on a freyy from wales to iland. There they have cool bands. They meet a boy witch gave them fish and chips. Than the went on a ferry to Glasgow, but it was a scotisch ferry. They stay there one night. They go again shopping and made sight seeing. at last they visited the London ey.3 of his 15 day it rain, but his altthoug sad that he had to stay home.

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Wie ist die 2.form von give?

Form :give
2 Form : Gave
3 Form :Given
First when they arrived at their home, they had teetime. There were sandwiches and cake and tee.That was at 4 o´clock. Before he could vistit his next building they talked about the Buckingham Palace and how they vistited it. Then Kai and the Browns visited it together.
gibt sicher noch paar fehler hab aber keine lust mehr zu korrigieren
wenn irh schon so gut seid dann sagt mir doch ma wie ihr den text findet
Kai went on a school exchange to the Brown family. The Browns came to the waterloo station in London and took kai with them. When they arrived at there home, they first had teetime. It gave sandwiches and cake and tee. that was at 4 o´clock. Bevor he can vistited his next bilding they talked about the Buckingham palace and how they vistie it. Than kai and the browns visited it together. There next stop was a pub. Something was there now for kai, peopil under 16 had to say outside of the pub. Also it gave no alcohol for teenager through 16 jears. Afer this they went shopping.kai thougt it was great, because he likes the t-shirts and the jeans. at next time the went on a bisnis trip by mr. Brown. It was in the capital from wales,in Cardiff. At the next week they visit tomething like a bilgdin it was a bilding of parlament.kai thing it looks leik a rocket. At the mornig they have brefast by an miss witch offer a bed &breakfast room. Anfter this they get on a freyy from wales to iland. There they have cool bands. They meet a boy witch gave them fish and chips. Than the went on a ferry to Glasgow, but it was a scotisch ferry. They stay there one night. They go again shopping and made sight seeing. at last they visited the London ey.3 of his 15 day it rain, but his altthoug sad that he had to stay home.
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