Was maurer clefts

Maurer - Definition ZITAT:Finely granular precipitates or irregular cytoplasmic particles that usually occur diffusely in red blood cells infected with the trophozoites of Plasmodium falciparum, occasionally those of P. Malariae; rarely observed in P. Falciparum blood smears because its trophozoites seldom are seen in peripheral blood. Synonyms: Maurer's clefts. \ENDE ZITAT Feine granulär ausgefällte oder irreguläre cytoplasmische Pertikel die gewöhnlich diffus auftreten in roten Blutzellen die mit Trophozoiten des Plasmodium Falciparum infiziert sind, gelegentlich jene des P. Malariae; selten beobachtet in P.Falciparum Blutabstrichen weil seine Trophozoen selten in peripherem Blut auftreten. Übersetzung von mir.

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Was sind Maurer's Clefts?

Maurer's clefts are single-membrane-limited structures in the cytoplasm of erythrocytes infected with the human malarial parasite Plasmodium falciparum.
The currently accepted model suggests that Maurer's clefts act as an intermediate compartment in protein transport processes from the parasite across the cytoplasm of the host cell to the erythrocyte surface, by receiving and delivering protein cargo packed in vesicles.
This model is mainly based on two observations.
Firstly, single-section electron micrographs have shown, within the cytoplasm of infected erythrocytes, stacks of long slender membranes in close vicinity to round membrane profiles considered to be vesicles.
Secondly, proteins that are transported from the parasite to the erythrocyte surface as well as proteins facilitating the budding of vesicles have been found in association with Maurer's clefts.
Verification of this model would be greatly assisted by a better understanding of the morphology, dimensions and origin of the Maurer's clefts
Maurer's cleft organization in the cytoplasm of plasmodium falciparum-infected erythrocytes: new insights from three-dimensional reconstruction of. - PubMed - NCBI