Was bedeutet pedotta aus welcher sprache kommt dieser begriff piloten
Das Wort kommt aus dem Mittelalttelichen Griechisch und bedeutet "Pilot" "Pilot
The Concise Oxford Dictionary of English Etymology
pilot steersman, esp. for harbour service. XVI. — F. pilote — It. piloto, -a, varying with pedoto, pedotta — medGr. *pēdṓtēs, f. Gr. pēdón oar, pl. rudder, f. *pēd-, *ped- FOOT; cf. -OT.
So vb. XVII. "
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Was bedeutet pedotta und aus welcher Sprache kommt dieser Begriff für den Piloten?
Ein bisschen klarer:
"pedotta" selbst ist italienisch, ein Synonym fuer "pedotto".
Aber die Worter Pilot, pedotto, pedotta,. scheinen auf das Griechische "pedotes" zurueckzugehen.
"The origin of the word has been much debated. Many etymologists find it in the Dutch pijloot (Hexham's Dictionary, 1658). This has been identified with peillood, peil-loth, sounding lead, cf. German peilen, to sound; the last part of these words is the same as English "lead," the metal; the first part, peilen, is for pegelen, to mark with pegs or points for measuring, cf. pegel, gauge. The New English Dictionary, on the other hand, finds that the Dutch piloot, the earlier form, is taken from the French. The source is, therefore, to be looked for in Romance languages. Du Cange gives Pedottae, defined as quorum est scire intrare et exire portus, a gloss on pedotte e timonieri in F. Ubaldini's edition, 1640, of I documenti d'amore by Francesco da Barberino. It is therefore conjectured that the Italian pilota is a popular conception of pedotta, and a possible source may be found in the Greek."