Jemand kurze englische sprüche sagen

Roses are red, violetts are blue, God made me beautiful, but what happend to you?

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Kann mir jemand kurze englische Sprüche sagen?

Dont cry say * & Smile
Love is like a piece of gold hard to find and hard to hold
All i need is love
see you later alligator,
Take the best the first
rolling stone gathers no moss.
It's no use crying over spilt milk.
cross the bridge when you come to it
. between a rock and a hard place
watch what you pray for - you might get it.
The early bird would not catch the worm if the damn worm slept longer.
stitch in time
saves nine.-
Zur rechten Zeit ein Nadelstich ersparet neuen sicherlich.
tit for tat - wie du mir, so ich dir.
Better late than never